Stay Connected: This Week’s Bulletin with the Latest Church Updates and Events!
Kim Sherwill2025-03-07T12:41:44-05:00Check the latest information and church happenings in this week's bulletin by clicking the button below. This Sunday's Bulletin
Check the latest information and church happenings in this week's bulletin by clicking the button below. This Sunday's Bulletin
GIFT Registration for 2024-2025 The G.I.F.T. program is the primary Faith Formation program in our new parish. G.I.F.T. Growing in Faith Together is for everyone ages 6-106! Faith learning is lifelong and this catechetical model seeks to engage parents, as the primary educators of faith in the household, on [...]
Application Here Service awards are for deserving graduating high school seniors for higher education or vocational development with the stipulation that the recipient regularly attends mass and has given service to the church/community. The Mustard Seed Fund Service Award submission deadline is April 30th with no exceptions. [...]
2024 Lent and Easter Schedule Printable Schedule THE SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:00pm Mar 16th, Mar 23rd: SHC Communal Reconciliation Service: March 18th, 7:00pm: SHC Greater Middlebury, Woodbury, Southbury, Oxford area Teen Stations of the Cross March 15th, 7:00pm: SHC Self-guided Stations of the Cross During open sanctuary [...]
Click for printable flyer
Connecticut Bishops Issue Statement on Ending Anti-Semitism In recent weeks we have seen a disturbing and unacceptable emergence of anti-Semitism unleashed in many corners of our state and country. These demonstrations, speeches, and acts of intimidation against the Jewish people are profoundly evil and unacceptable. Read full statement here: [...]
On Care for our Common Home Week of June 25th Pope Francis wrote: “…self-improvement on the part of individuals will not by itself remedy the extremely complex situation facing our world today… Social problems must be addressed by common networks and not simply by the sum of individual good deeds… The [...]
Seeds of Hope Dinner and Auction! Reserve your seats by Friday, October 11th. Dear Friends for Seeds of Hope, Please join us for the October 18th Seeds of Hope Dinner and Auction! Make sure to reserve your seats soon, reservations end this coming Friday, Oct [...]
Aside from our Sacred Liturgy in which our entire community is joined in worship, the Rosary, and what is called its “Mysteries”, is possibly the most familiar choice of prayer for people of faith. It has been so in the western church for centuries. It can be enlightening, then, [...]
New Day Support Group (9-Weeks) The Bereavement Ministry will begin this fall, afternoon session, of the 9-week New Day program. The group, which is led by trained facilitators, in a caring and supportive setting, takes you through the tasks of grieving that will eventually help you move forward in a very [...]