Dear Friends,

The Deacon Chuck Dietsch Memorial 5K Run & Walk will be virtual again this year, taking place May 21st through 28th. 
Sadly, the pandemic continues to challenge our ability to conduct an in-person event.  Still, we hope an enthusiastic crowd of runners, walkers, and donors will help us achieve our goal of $30,000 to help support our education and health programs for our sisters and brothers in Grand Boulage, Haiti.

2021 saw both natural and man-made disasters hit Haiti, the most impoverished country in the Western hemisphere. Political, economic, and social tensions continue to trouble Haiti as the inflation rate hit 15.4%. This all translates into government instability, food insecurity, and widespread criminal gang activity. 

Despite these troubles, Seeds of Hope for Haiti continues to support the school with teacher salary supplements so they can afford to remain teaching in Grand Boulage. We also fund schoolbooks, and we fund the school canteen to provide lunch each day to 450 students. In partnership with Medicines for Humanity, the medical clinic continues to operate five days a week, seeing an average of 14 patients per day in this remote mountain village! We see a healthier population already, which could not have happened without your support.

We hope you will consider contributing to this year’s event, as we rely so much on businesses and local donations to sustain our commitment to being in active solidarity with our brothers and sisters of Grand Boulage, Haiti. Together, we are planting seeds of hope for Haiti. 

Thank you in advance for your most generous support.

Fr. Bob Kwiatkowski
Pastor, Midd-South Catholic Parish

Christine Granja
Event Director