God’s Love In Action ~ Help, Hope, Healing.”No one is untouched. At some point in life, everyone faces periods of crisis, transition of difficulty. During these times people can receive great benefit from a caring relationship with someone who will faithfully listen, empathize, pray with and for them, and encourage them with Christ’s love and care.” Have you ever had the need to have someone be with you during a time of crisis? Was there someone to call?

Stephen Ministry is a highly confidential ministry. It “is a complete system for training and organizing lay people to provide one-to-one Christian Care to hurting people in and around our congregation.”

If you or someone you know is in need of a listening heart, no matter what the circumstances, think seriously about asking for a Stephen Minister. We are here and we care.

Please contact the main parish office for more information at 203-264-5071 to discuss whether you might benefit from having a Stephen Minister accompany you at this time.  

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