http://Return to Church Survey click here

Subject: Return to church survey

3 Minute Survey-please fill out


Dear Parish Members-


Greetings on behalf of our pastoral staff and I hope this finds you well in these challenging times. Our Easter hope is strong and we continue to be a vibrant faith community gathered online, in prayer and through purposeful service to the poor and each other.


In this time of planning and transition we seek your input as the Archdiocese and our parish consider returning to in person church gatherings. A first step for us is to ask you what are your thoughts and feelings in this regard? Please fill out this three minute anonymous survey: RTC Survey Your responses will help us determine the next best steps to safely continue our mission and ministry.


We continue to Reimagine Church in ways that help us all Encounter Jesus and Live with Purpose in this challenging time.


Thank you in advance for filling out this survey: RTC Survey


Feel free to contact me if you have any difficulty or questions.




Ami Conlan

Pastoral Associate