August 2021 Update:

The Archdiocese & Town of Southbury are recommending face masks for indoor facilities to combat the spread of Covid-19 in the area. Middlebury also has face mask recommendations for town facilities- see their website. We are smiling under our masks!

Effective Wednesday, June 9, 2021:
Modification of Safety Practices Regarding COVID-19

Letter from the Archdiocese of Hartford:  June-4-2021-Modification-of-Safety-Practices-Regarding-COVID-19

As the situation continues to develop, the time has come to modify somewhat the directives that the churches of the Archdiocese of Hartford have been operating under as concerns COVID-19.

Effective Wednesday, June 9, 2021, for those who are vaccinated, wearing masks will now be optional while at Mass, at other liturgies, and at any indoor or outdoor events held at our churches. Those who remain unvaccinated should continue to wear masks, with particular attention being given to the safety of young, unvaccinated children.

Also, for now, ministers who are distributing Holy Communion should continue to follow the directives that have been previously issued, including wearing a mask and sanitizing prior to distribution. (See below)


New changes and next steps for our community of faith:


As of Saturday, May 22, 2021, the general dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass in person on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation will no longer be in force. However, since the risk of infection, though diminished, still remains, the following individuals may very legitimately decide not yet to attend church: those suffering from serious pre-existing conditions making them more susceptible to COVID-19; those who are ill or homebound or who are caregivers in close contact with someone who is; those who have tested positive for any contagious disease, including COVID-19; and those who are in quarantine due to exposure to any contagion, or who reside with someone who is quarantined.

New Directives effective May 19, 2021

General Guidelines:

  1. 100% capacity with no need for any specific social distancing. Please be aware personal space and of the comfort of others as we adjust to this change.
  2. Masks required for all who enter the church and during all Masses
  3. Holy water font will remain empty. If you need Holy Water please let us know.
  4. Hymnals have been ordered and can be used during the liturgy.
  5. bulletins will be available at the conclusion of Mass at the exit doors.
  6. Pew barriers and tape, signs, etc. will be removed.
  7. We will provide  ventilation by periodically opening doors  and as weather conditions permit.
  8. People can use all meeting areas of the church, gather  in the atrium but all should take care to consider the space and well-being of others in their vicinity.
  9. Reservations or signing in for Mass are no longer required.


Liturgical Guidelines:

  1. One adult may serve as an altar server. Youth may not serve at this time.
  2. No offertory procession.
  3. Congregational singing is allowed but with masks that must remain on during the entire liturgy.
  4. Choirs can sing when it is determined appropriate to resume their ministry
  5. Offertory collections will be held at entrance or exit areas. Baskets will be placed near the Baptismal font and exit areas. Please sign up for Online Giving or text to GIVE.
  6. The Sign of Peace can be exchanged without touching.
  7. The COVID-19 procedures for distributing Holy Communion will remain in place for now:
    • Ministers of Holy Communion sanitize their hands prior to distributing.
    • Both the ministers of Holy Communion and those receiving are to wear masks.
    • Communicants will receive the consecrated host in their hand, step to the side, lower their mask, consume the host, replace their mask, return to their pew.
    • Communion on the tongue should continue to be discouraged for the sake of the health of others. Those who receive in this manner should receive only after everyone else has  received.
    • There is still to be no distribution of the Precious Blood.
  8. Eucharist to the homebound in private homes will resume. Contact Sr. Pat:  203-264-5071 for information.