A person’s willingness to respond to his/her Baptismal call to serve the people of God, in the capacity of an Usher, reflects their commitment to Christ. Their willingness to commit to a monthly schedule; arrive on time, and be a friendly, welcoming presence to those coming to worship at Midd-South Catholic further reflects their willingness to respond fully to their Baptismal call.

Ten to 12 ushers are required at each Mass on Saturday, Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation. Ushers assist in the seating of parishioners before Mass, select gift bearers, take up the collection at the Offertory, guide parishioners at Holy Communion, hand-out weekly bulletins, and help prepare the worship space for the next Mass. As needed, they also provide assistance in emergencies and help people find their way around our church.

Please contact the Parish office at 203-264-5071 for more information.

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