Confirmation is the Sacrament in which you receive a deeper outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It completes what began in Baptism, strengthening the gifts needed to live out your whole life as a Catholic.
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is a two year process that typically begins in September of 9th Grade (1st year of preparation) and completes in May of 10th Grade (2nd year of preparation). Enrollment in grades 3-8 is required.
This is an exciting and important time in the process of growing in faith and the program features opportunities to experience all the aspects of parish life and ministry. We want young people to know what it is like to believe and belong to the parish community of Sacred Heart. Faith is put into action through liturgical, parish and community/mission service opportunities. There are workshops and speakers that help participants understand and experience prayer, Social Justice, Morality, central beliefs in our faith and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Also included is a Retreat in 10th Grade.
The program, in conjunction with the GIFT program, is designed to fit the busy lives of teens and families. Confirmation preparation is a commitment and our hope and expectation is that participants (and parents where needed ) attend and actively participate in all elements of the program. Trying on Jesus Christ deserves nothing less!
Confirmation Orientation:
Please join us for a program overview; schedule and sign up for service!
No registration is required for your attendance at the orientation-simply choose the date and one parent and the student attend.
Choose 1 date for student/parent to attend at time indicated for *First Year (grade 9 or older in the first year of the program)
Sunday, TBD
6:30 pm – Grade9/First Year
Thursday, TBD
7:15 pm – Grade 9/First Year
If you have not done so already: Please register for GIFT and Confirmation: https://middsouthcatholic.org/gift-registration/
If you are interested in the 2024 Mission Trip:sign-up in august
An information meeting will be held in early October.
We will update you with any updated Covid-19 safety protocols and program changes via email and on the Faith Formation page of the website: https://middsouthcatholic.org/faith-formation-events/
It is recommended that anyone entering the facility wear a mask.
Stay safe, Say prayers and Enjoy the summer vacation.
We can’t wait to see you!
Forms and Documents:
Grade 9 (1st year of preparation)
- Grade 9 (1st year of preparation) Orientation Itinerary
- Sponsor Form
- Saint Report Instructions
- Community Service Reflection Sheet
- Photo Permission Slip
Grade 10 (2nd year of preparation)