
Helping to grow an educated and healthy population in order to cultivate sound economic development in Grand Boulage and the surrounding region, while we grow in our faith together.

About Haiti

About Haiti For most of its history, Haiti has been plagued by political violence. Haiti’s infrastructure is in shambles and has never been efficient or effective. For the most part, government has not worked. Lack of clean, potable water is, and has long been, a very serious problem. Unemployment is rampant. Tourism is nearly nonexistent. There are few roads and most of those are unpaved. Shelter for many people is nothing more than a hovel with a dirt floor. Life expectancy for the average Haitian is a mere 53 years. There is little public schooling—only 20% of school age children can attend public schools. Everyone must pay to attend school or not go to school at all. Only 5% of children complete secondary level schooling because families simply cannot afford to keep their children in school. Lack of nutrition is a reality for most Haitian families. Still, the Haitian people are a proud, joyful and hope-filled people. They are determined to bring about the rebirth of their country.

Chair – Christine Granja
Vice Chair – Dave Rohlfing
Secretary – Kate Clarke
Treasurer – Bruce Palmatier

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