“A generous man will prosper; He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” –Proverbs 11-18
In 2003, through the generosity of two sisters-Mrs. Irma Ziegler Smith, who died in 2002; and Miss Mildred Ziegler, who died in 2003—Sacred Heart Parish was left a combined grant of over $1,000,000.
Using suggestions made at a series of meeting with parishioners on how to distribute this endowment, the Pastoral Council voted to set up a separate fund. Initially, 50% of the fund earnings will be distributed, and the remaining 50% earnings will be used for investment and protection against economic downturns.
The Mustard Seed Fund is administered by two committees—The Mustard Seed Fund Operating Committee and The Mustard Seed Financial Committee. The function of the Operating Committee is to promote and maintain a process for receiving charitable contributions, and the selection of distribution to appropriate causes and recipients following established guidelines. The function of the Financial Committee is to recommend investments for the fund, following diocesan guidelines, to provide a secure and reasonable return on investment.
Parishioners are encouraged to consider a direct tax -free contribution to the fund, or to make a provision in their wills for a contribution. We visualize the fund growing so that we can give more and more to charities, for service awards, for youth activities and the needs of the parish.
Members are selected by the pastor from parishioners in good standing.
If you have any questions about this ministry, please email Brian DiDonato or call 917-596-8384.