Be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ: VOLUNTEER!
The Faith Formation Office offers many opportunities to lead and serve in ministry.
Please consider any of the following opportunities:
Event Set Up/Clean Up* – Assist on Sundays with setting up /taking down of tables and equipment in the hall and other areas. Trash removal to dumpsters, etc. Many hands make light work in this effort of transforming our parish into a center of gathering and learning for our GIFT program and then returning it to its original form for all the other wonderful activities.
Kitchen Help/Serving/Clean Up* – Join a fantastic group of people who serve the meal at our GIFT sessions. An hour of your time provides members with hospitality and community as they grow in faith together.
Office Home Packet Assembly* – Meets one weekday morning one week before GIFT Sessions
Confirmation Service* – Do you have a calling and interest in working with teens? We need you.
Supervise 5 service projects for Confirmation students at St. Vincent de Paul Shelter in Waterbury* – The commitment is once a month in October, November, December, January and February. 5pm-8pm. Contact Ami Conlan.
Supervise 3 service projects for Confirmation Students at the Southbury Training School* – The commitment is once per month in October, November, and December.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Faith Formation Office.
* Protecting God’s Children is required

Information on Protecting God’s Children.
This is a mandatory course for anyone volunteering in Faith Formation. Parish Contact for Safe Environment is Mary Korsu